Title: Wild-West Nepal a Pictorial Journey
Author: Bharat Bandhu Thapa
ISBN:- 978-9937-577-41-0
Cover Binding: Soft Paper Bound
Pages:- 128
Format: 220mm X 295mm
Net Weight: 702 grams
Edition: 2013
Language: English
Title: Wild-West Nepal a Pictorial Journey
Author: Bharat Bandhu Thapa
ISBN:- 978-9937-577-41-0
Cover Binding: Soft Paper Bound
Pages:- 128
Format: 220mm X 295mm
Net Weight: 702 grams
Edition: 2013
Language: English
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fascinating book on Kathmandu - directly take it to the 70's era.
thank you, we are trying our best to keep our maps update. hope to see you soon in thamel Map…
Cliff Maxwell –
When will this book be available in the United States?
Thank you,
Nicola Moretto –
can I find the book “Wild-West Nepal a Pictorial Journey” in Italy or buy it from internet.
Thank you for your kind reply
Nicola Moretto – Italy